The short instructions described in
this section will help you to simplify orders process in IVTN-market
For rapid search of positions, you
can use search according to the categories or the key word
("Advanced search").
When you find the product you need you can read the product
information. For more information contact the administration
of the IVTN-market ("Contacts").
Order formation
After you have found the product, just press the button for
putting it for your notepad.
This section contains selected positions. You can change
their quantity, remove them or add new ones. We pay your attention that notes in your notepad are
not the registered order and so the positions mentioned
are not reserved for you..
All the information mentioned in the notepad will be saved,
only after your authorization.
Your Profile
As noted above, for saving information in your notepad and for ordering you
should be authorized and thus confirm your personal data. We hope that it
will help to avoid unplanned and accidental orders and thereby save our and
your time. All your information your can see, and change if it is needed,
in you personal page ("Profile").
Order registration
Registering of your order in IVTN-market is very simple!
After you have made notes in the notepad
and made certain of your personal
data ("profile"),
choose "order
registration", and
than according to the instructions,
confirm the registration.
Representatives of IVTN-market will phone to make the information
more exact. We pay your attention to the fact that registered
order for the products should be a guarantee for payment.
Now we provide free delivery within Moscow. The cost of delivery
should be agreed additionally.
All questions and remarks are welcome:
Теl./fax: +7 (495) 995-8017