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The conference was organized on the initiative of NVK "VIST", with support of the scientific centers and institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, including:

• Institute of Biomedical Chemistry (IBMC)
• Institute of computational mathematics RAS
• Space research Institute RAS
• Institute for mathematical modeling RAS
• Institute of problems of control of RAS
• Institute of radio engineering and electronics of RAS
• The Institute for system programming RAS
• Moscow state Institute of Radiotechnics, electronics and automatics (Technical University)
• Scientific-research computing center, Moscow state University
• And other
The major activity of Zenon N.S.P. Company is related to the provision of Internet Network services. In accordance with the licenses No 22222, 22221 and 17458 issued by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Russia, Zenon N.S.P. Company runs and develops the commercial network Zenon/Internet.   
Organizational committee coordinates:   
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